Friday, February 17, 2012

Rules of a creator's life

Beginning my blog, its been hard to figure out how to introduce myself and determine what I can offer to those that read it. Then I realized, "hey I'm a mom too, and the kind that would probably read my blog! What would I want to read about?"... sometimes we make things so much harder than they are.
As I searched for something to inspire me, I found this image floating around the internet and thought it would be the perfect way to peek into my world... and any other creative junkies you might know :)

  1. Do more than you're told to do - As I enter the world of handmade items and boutique clothing, I've realized just how many talented artists there are out there. If you really want to knock the socks off a client, you've got to stand apart from the rest and give more than they ask for. You've got to put a bit of yourself into every piece; that will make it undeniably unique and special.
  2. Try new things - There are times this is soooo hard. If you're a Pinterest junkie like me, I'm sure there are times you feel the creative overload. For me, its never an option to copy someone else's work, but I do draw inspiration from a lot of different places. There are times when I feel fresh out of new ideas and when I least expect it, in the wee hours of the morning, I take the smidgen of an idea and just run with it. Some of those experiments have turned out to be my best sellers.
  3. Teach others about what you know - Many of you may not know that I test patterns for designers, providing them feedback and photos of my test garments. These designers cater to other crafters like myself, and when I share my photos with their audience I often get feedback about what types of fabrics I used and where they can be found. This is no big secret and I'm not here to be the wizard behind the curtain, I'm here to be part of a community :) I'm happy to share tips with fellow designers, creators and soon even bring my mommy followers some tutorials on crafts and DIY's for their little ones.
  4. Make work into play - This is the best part of my job! Every day when I blog, market on Facebook, email my fans and customers, test a new dress or just scour the internet for my next big "thing" the last thing I feel like I'm doing is working. When you love what you do, it never feels like work!
  5. Take breaks - I must admit, I'm quite a workaholic. Taking breaks is hard, but its healthy for the creative brain, at least mine anyway! I schedule multiple breaks throughout my day, it gives me time to reflect on what I've been working on and most of the time it leads to a new idea or a way to improve what I'm working on. If I'm really hitting a wall, you can find me catching up on new fabric releases, hanging out with the kids or catching up on Vampire Diaries :)
  6. Work when others are resting - I should move this to #2 - its the most important rule for me. When the munchkins have been tucked into bed, I have the quiet time I need to wrap up my day. I love my kids so much, but the juice runs, snack requests and refereeing really interferes with the creative mojo :) I am sure all of you mommies, creative or not, know just what I mean!
  7. Always be creating - Some of my best ideas come when I'm away from home. I really should carry a notepad with me. I feel like my brain will soon explode from all of the ideas I'm trying to harbor.
  8. Make your own inspiration - My wonderful clients make it easy for me to do this. I find my ideas really flow when I get a custom request or find a really unique piece of fabric that speaks to me :) I find the creative juices just go and I can literally picture the finished product in my mind. Thank you all who have allowed me to create such unique pieces for your little ones! You are my inspiration.
  9. Love what you do, or leave - This is #1 on my list! We've all witnessed the economic changes over the last few years and the one thing I hear over and over again, is that people are ready for a change. Our society is work driven and many of us put in 50-60 hr work weeks if not more. Times are changing and I'm so happy to see people make lifestyle changes, putting those long hard hours into something that is more rewarding for them. After my daughter was born a few years ago the long hours and creative energy I put into my work wasn't amounting to anything for me anymore. I was burned out. It was a scary move to make, but I believe if you put your heart into what you love its impossible to fail. Your passion will shine so bright people won't be able to ignore you.


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