WE HAVE A WINNER!! :) Congratulations Stephanie!
Please email me to let me know how you would like to spend your $30 Addy&Tabby dollars.

I can't thank you all enough for being so supportive. The journey has just begun and you've shown me a world I've only dreamed of. On most days I spend about 10 hours in my sewing room fulfilling your orders and trying out new items for you. Its a long day, but I love it so much it only feels like a fraction of that time. The fan page has grown quite a bit from the wonderful giveaway we just participated in with Fabulous Fun Finds so there are a lot of new faces. Welcome everyone and thank you FFF for the fantastic giveaway! Now, on to my giveaway...

I wanted to mix it up a bit from the last giveaway. I didn't want to limit the prize to one particular item, so I've decided to offer a $30 gift certificate to the winner! That way, you can choose what YOU love :)

To be entered in the giveaway you must 1) be a fan of my FB page 2) leave a comment on this post with your email address and 3) let me know what types of handmade items you buy for your little girl for most... maybe its everyday wear, dressy items, costumes, accessories or just something unique that really catches your eye regardless of its use.

This giveaway will be open until Saturday December 3rd at 11:59pm EST. Any posts after that time will not be considered. If you leave multiple posts, only your first will be considered. Using a random generator (1) ONE winner will be selected December 4th. Be sure the email you enter is valid, this is how I will let you know you've won in addition to posting here on the blog :) Good luck and THANK YOU :) !!!!